Saturday, June 11, 2016
We left Delaware City, DE about 5:30 am, with Brenda and Scott, and several other boats. The weather was supposed to be favorable for waves less than a foot.
Leaving Delaware City |
Are we awake yet? |
Sunrise Saturday as we were entering the Delaware River. |
This is Ship John Shoal, it's about a third of the way. By this time, Scott and Brenda had discovered fuel in their bilge, like over 30 gallons of fuel, and had to call Sea Tow to come and get them. We carried on, and the seas continued to increase. |
By this time, I am down below, trying to keep Maggie calm. The waves got about three feet, and were slamming up against the bow, and spraying water all over the windows. Not a fun ride. |
By about 11 am, we were in the cut, headed toward Cape May. No more waves. |
There is grass across from the dock we are in, and this Great Egret was busy fishing. |
This is the Cape May Marina, taken in the evening. |
We walked about a mile to Jackson Street. It's a walking street, lined with shops and restaurants. Cape May is the oldest resort city in the country. There were many old homes that were turned into hotels, and beach shops. Lots of people. |
There were cool old houses everywhere. |
This one was a restaurant. |
This was a bed and breakfast. |
Some had several apartments in them. |
Sunday, June 12th, the wind is whipping with gusts to about 30 knots. We haven't seen wind this bad since we were in the panhandle of Florida.
Shark fishing tournament???